English 5, Spring '06

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Essay 2

4-6 pages
typed, double-spaced

For this essay you will be analyzing subject matter and presenting an argument. For a review of writing argument essays, read chapters six and seven in From Critical Thinking to Argument. The subject matter will be a representation of gender or sexuality in media, specifically movies or television (please do not use advertisements, since we’ve already covered this ground). Strong examples of media analysis include the handouts from Bitch magazine ("The Nan Show," "Skirt Chasers," "Holy Fratimony"). You do not have to take a positive or negative stance regarding the material, but explain how the elements work together to have a particular effect on the audience. Analyze how it works, what cultural beliefs underlie it and what is the significance of how it depicts gender or sexuality. To write a successful argument about your chosen material, you will need to present clear insight and provide logical, specific evidence (examples from the source itself).

Treat the material you choose as a “text” and perform a close reading; peel back the surface layers and look at what is happening on a deeper level. Also, discuss how your subject fits into the “big picture” regarding gender roles or sexuality. I encourage you to use the articles we have read to support your claims, but it is not required. You may also use outside sources you discover on your own. Make sure to properly cite any articles/books you use.

For this essay, I expect:
- clear, concise writing
- a strong thesis statement
- a title
- properly cited references (if you choose to include sources)
- proofreading

Contractions (don’t, can’t, shouldn’t)
Exclamation points
using clichés or colloquial language
repeating words or sentence structure

Draft Workshop: 3/7 (bring 3 copies)
Final draft due: 3/14


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